Sunday, April 10, 2011

Nook Color

I just bought I Nook color. I hesitated at first, because of my love for the printed word. I know it's still the printed word, but I am tactile. I want the feel of pages, the smell of the pages. Never considering to save a tree lol. Funny thing is that I love Scifi which makes me think of horrid versions of the future in which we loose all our tech. and we end up with no books (ok that can never happen...right?) If it does I know that I would have saved myself from the back aches that the lugging of all those books (in my very large purse) produce.  So what if all we have left of our history in the future are our version of cave paintings (grafitti around here), but what will the future generations think of us based on that? I digress. I do love my nook though, just bought it an antiglare/protector film.  What can I say, it is almost a pet or trusted friend.  I have loaded several books, which I can read simultaniously without the huge bag.  Who knew I would sell out.  By the way, it doesn't hurt my eyes (which was my other excuse of not getting one). I can even shelve my books and pretend I'm organized.